Your community resource for addiction education, prevention, and recovery.

For an emergency, call 911


What is Natick 180?

Natick 180 addresses the full continuum of substance use.

Natick 180 is a community coalition that brings together a wide range of people and resources from around Natick to address the factors that contribute to addiction and to build up the community characteristics that protect against it, fostering community conversations about substance use and mental health that are driven by empathy, respect, science and data. Natick 180 builds upon and integrates the work of the Natick Opioid Task Force with Natick Together for Youth (NTY), two community groups that have a long history of preventing and reducing substance use disorder in Natick.

Addiction happens in all communities, and any individual and any family can experience it. But addiction does not define a person. Nor does it reflect how loving a family is, or how much a community cares.

While addiction cannot be prevented in every circumstance, by assisting individuals and families with connected programs, services and treatment providers, Natick can respond more effectively to help community members who experience addiction.

Natick 180. Your Community Resource for addiction education, prevention, and recovery.

Natick 180 Focuses On:


Education & Prevention

  • Sponsorship of community events
  • Community education through Resilient Parent, Resilient Child speaker series, workshops, website, social media, and printed materials
  • Youth marketing campaigns and educational initiatives 
  • Evidence-based curriculum in schools and community settings
  • Community-wide programs to limit youth access to substances such as medication disposal kiosk
  • Advocacy for best practices in regulations and policies


Treatment & Recovery Support

  • Embedded mental health clinician with first responders and post-overdose follow-up protocols
  • Resource cards and informational materials 
  • Referrals to local treatment agencies and recovery support organizations
  • Community events and resource fairs featuring local service providers
  • Overdose prevention training and Naloxone (Narcan) distribution
  • Support for grassroots efforts such as the Journey bereavement group and the Boston Bulldogs running club


Sustainability of Community Efforts

  • Data collection and evaluation
  • Development of collaborations with local community organizations
  • Capacity building through funding, staffing, and organizational development